Sunday, June 10, 2007

No Relief

Washington got relief from Friday's nearly 100 degree weather yesterday. It was a glorious day; I went to Baltimore's lovely Honfest and saw the Mid-Atlantic equivalent of women from Queens.

But there was no damn relief for Mets pitching on Saturday against the Tigers. Oli was not in top form, the bats tried to keep up, but Mota just added insult to injury. Our relief pitching is not where our starting pitching is. It's ironic since we were crying in April and May about starters, pulling nothing more than chicks up from New Orleans in a despy attempt to keep up.

Oh well. It's only going to get hotter. For me and the Mets. Let's see if we can pull something out today. Getting trounced by 2 teams in a row is probably not going to help bring some relief - for me or the Mets.

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