Sunday, September 23, 2007

Gotta Have It

So much has happened over the last few days, so first off I apologize for the Jewish holidays breaking into my baseball commentary. The delay was continued for several hours today due to airplane breakdown. Ah, US Airways, the Greyhound of the Skies.

But am now safely ensconced back in DC after both the Mets and I had a marathon weekend in Florida. I was able to share part of it with the Mets, thankfully and got to see Oli's beautiful pitching job on Saturday.

We took the cheap seats way up, although they were right behind home plate which always makes for a great way to see the game. Dolphin Stadium, while (like RFK) designed for football, was not bad. The amenities are waay better than RFK, which is not a tough standard, sadly.

A win in Florida for the Mets this weekend was probably as important as Florida will be in January for a Presidential candidate - it's just gotta happen in order to even hope you'll get the whole enchilada. They came together and while they didn't get all the delegates, 2 outta 3 3 outta 4 ain't bad. In the end you could argue that a win is a win, even if it was awfully tough to get there. In politics, this may matter less than in baseball. This week will tell on at least one front.

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