Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Losing One Can Mean Everything. Or Nothing.

My favorite part about the MLB package is that you get to watch announcers from all over baseball. So I have been listening with glee to the Dodgers announcer who knows as much about the Mets as the current Congress and President seem to know about policy making.

This false sense of perspective must have worked on me. I fell asleep on the couch sometime in the 4th inning without too much agita. The Dodgers had a pitching meltdown that looked disturbingly Met-like. The boys were winning 4-1. I felt alright going to bed.

But I had ignored the warning signs
- no hitting. David Wright striking out. Lots and lots of base runners stranded. I was so focused on the decent pitching and excellent offense, I ignored the soft underbelly... bats as cold as an office building in summertime. Mets lose 5-4.

As in life and in politics, you can't have it all. Sometimes you win one, sometimes you lose one. As this stage of the baseball season it's not just one that makes the final decision. As for politics, I guess we'll see in Denver.

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