Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Yes, it is a made up word. Stressation. It's how I describe my feelings when I think about August baseball. Now shit starts to matter. To really matter. And with the Braves and the Philles picking up some pitching (although Julio Mateo is no prize) , a girl's gotta sweat a little. Plus, the Braves picked up some hitting too.

Now I realize that part of all of this is Kabuki theater, kinda like politics... there's a whole game going on here that everyone has to play. It's late in the season and if you're not in first place than you have to speak like it is inevitable that you may end up there or as a Wild Card or whatever it takes to be a contender. Even Dennis Kucinich believes he's got the stuff. I mean, why else would he get up in the morning and do it?

But the Braves are talking bold. And they won against Houston tonight. But I'm not gonna fall prey to the hype. If I did that, I would have thought Howard Dean was gonna be President.

I gotta believe, but I said it kids, Stressation.

And Mr. Viagra is aiming for 300 tonight, but he's down 2-1 in the 6th. More stressation.

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