Monday, June 4, 2007


So I am recovering from jet lag and it appears that yesterday Oli had a crap day and lost to the Diamondbacks. Carols D is hot, but things are not all roses in Metland as I resurface from my Italian getaway. All I can say is I am sorry. I turn my back for 10 days and Oli falls apart. At least they're still 3 and a half up from Atlanta.

Oli needs to focus, the Mets need to stay focused, the Democratic candidates need to finally get into focus. Heck, I am back from vacation and need to find my focus too. Sometimes it's easy to temporarily lose it, a la Oli. Sometimes it's easy in the monotony of day-to-day life to lose it, a la the Mets. Sometimes it's easier to avoid it, a la the candidates. Sometimes it's easy to say the hell with it and go on vacation, a la me.

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