Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Orleans Ain't Queens

I have not actually seen the Mets in over 2 weeks, so I am thankful for next weekend's series with the Yankees that will be on TV. I am hoping their new dos haven't grown out too much so I can see how cute they actually are with their haircuts. I have been so preoccupied with spring I haven't watched ESPN all week.

But enough. I went for a long bike ride today- over 20 miles- to prepare for my biking trip through Italy (which is now less than 2 weeks away) and came home to find out that Oliver pretty much rocked the house against the team with the best record in baseball - one hit, one run through 8 plus innings. The guy's a stud. 9-1 Mets and they took the series against the Brewers.

Oliver is winning his mental game these days, unlike poor Mike Pelfrey, who got sent back to the barnyard. Poor kid. He does not have as much experience as Oliver, but he never really got his break. Sometimes, you just need to win one to turn it around. When nothing's going right, you need one little thing to work in order to remind you how to get it back on track, to show you that something other than failure is possible. Maybe Pelfrey can get that where the competition is a little less fierce - the barnyard of New Orleans isn't Queens.

While I am all smiles today about Oliver, these things are day to day. So right now, I will relish a beautiful spring day and Oliver's win. After all, it will soon be 100 and disgusting outside and we now have a hole in the pitching rotation and who the hell knows who is going to fill it?

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